Love + Praise

for Vocal Empowerment


This is a collection of video + written testimonials from participants of my 1:1 coaching as well as my group containers.

“Michelle helped me bloom through one of the most difficult times of my life.”

Arianna Zabriskie
Addiction Counselor + Coach

My work with Michelle was exactly what I needed! It has truly propelled me into the next stage of my personal, emotional, and spiritual development. Michelle has helped me bloom through one of the most difficult times I’ve gone through with such grace and love.

I am so grateful I found her, she has had a profound impact on me and how I release what is no longer serving me and welcome in peace. I absolutely recommend her to everyone and have already recommended some of my friends to her.

I am also excited to see how our work together has shifted how I am able work with clients. I have found myself to be far more in tune with energy stagnation and blocks in clients and even far more in tune with my own energy than ever before.

“I’ve learned to sing for myself only, and that is medicine for everyone else too.”

Mayela Luevano
Medicine Keeper of Live Nemi

I had a huge fear but also a yearning for singing and making my voice heard. But before I started working with Michelle, I felt like my voice was ugly, unworthy, and that no one would care to listen to me. And Michelle has helped me SO much with these blockages. Yesterday for the first time I was able to record myself singing, and it came out so beautiful! I literally cried because I could not believe those sounds came out of me.

This entire experience of healing my voice has been so insane. I’ve cried so much just from listening to my own voice. Wow it’s been so amazing. I’ve finally learned to sing for myself now and myself only, and that in itself is medicine for everyone else too.

I wanted to thank you, Michelle, because I wouldn’t have ever been able to sing the way that I sang if it wasn’t for you and all of the teachings, and all the beautiful things you have been creating.

Oh my gosh! It’s so important to surround yourself with people that support you.

“Michelle is the most down to earth priestess in all the land!”

Lauren Bruno
Certified Hypnotherapist

Before working with Michelle, I was going through intense life transitions which left me feeling angry & guilty. Working with Michelle is something I HIGHLY recommend to anyone that is looking to break out of the stories of blame, shame, & guilt. She was able to truly empathize with where I was at, but not let me stay in that space by pulling out what really had been stuck.

Also, she is so deep and somehow simultaneously fun and quirky in her teachings! I took both her online programs and I can definitely say Michelle is the most down to earth priestess in all the land! I love how she teaches really deep concepts and makes them fun and simple.

When we worked together one on one she helped me find my independence while I was leaving a long term relationship and moving away from my family. It’s helped me start a new chapter of my life, and I am so grateful for Michelle’s deep wisdom, sacred & loving presence.

“Michelle’s work is mystical, some of the deepest coaching work I’ve ever done”

Sue Bahnan
Neuroscience Researcher
+ HeartMath Coach

I just really want to give Michelle so much love and honor her. I can't recommend Michelle enough, she just has this incredible ability to drop in and to honor what is real. I experienced no pressure within Michelle’s containers to be any different than who I was, to just be the girl who walked in. And yet, the woman who walked out was very different.

I feel more connected to who I am.

To my truth, to my power, to my beauty —and to a lineage of women who carry these intuitive gifts, have been powerful, and have been feared because of that power over many generations.

The medicine that she specifically brings to people with her intuitive and energetic work is really deeply profound. Some of the deepest work I’ve done in coaching containers has been with Michelle.

She accomplishes so much with her deeply feminine approach.
I have a lot of past life stuff too and with Michelle that was honored.

I have had experiences with other coaches since working with Michelle a year ago and I look back on our time together, and I’m like, “Wow, that was deep f**king work. And there was no pressure to be a different version of myself at the end, like I’ve experienced with other action-oriented styles of coaching. But I was. I was very different nonetheless.

“Working with Michelle completely transformed my relationship with myself.”

Jocelyn Reidl
Artist + Teacher

I kept putting other people’s objectives before my own for so long. I healed a lot of ancestral pain. I cried for the first three sessions. It was so empowering to be helped to distinguish the difference between my own energy and what I had absorbed from others consciously or not.

Since our time together I am now putting myself first, listening to my intuition, making decisions, following through with my inner guidance, and finally trusting myself! Choosing to invest in our healing container was huge for me, as I had never invested in a coach before, but it’s really one of the best decisions I’ve ever made!

Also, every time I hear Michelle’s voice it puts visions in my heart of strength and reaffirms that the more that we master does not mean there is less to carry, but we do so with more Grace. There is such a deep history in her tone that is evidently ever unfurling.

Forever thank you, Michelle for choosing this path as I so appreciate the way you absorb and project this energy.

Really. Shit hit me deep. Right in the heart.

“What Michelle offers is more than a therapy and modality. It is a rich, potent and clear transmission of love, transmutation and healing on a level that is hard to grasp by the mind alone.”

Chrissy Stanko
RN + Counselor

“I have been a RN in healthcare for over 14 years and a therapist for over 5 years. There are so many modalities of medicine and healing and support. In my own life and journey I’ve utilized a lot of these therapies; and for the most part they have been helpful to their own extent.

What Michelle offers is more than a therapy and modality. It is a rich, potent and clear transmission of love, transmutation and healing on a level that is hard to grasp by the mind alone. Michelle gave me absolute clarity while holding my pain; there are not always therapies that can hold such immense duality and bring them together with such peace.

If you are struggling and feel like me, that you’ve maybe run your course with regular healing therapies I would highly, highly recommend Michelle as healer, guide and other-worldly ‘mother’ while you are growing through, what you are going through.”

So much love and thanks, Michelle.

What This Journey Will Look Like…

Connect Within

These practices will allow you to deepen your attunement with yourself. The combination of prayer, intention, and your inner commitment creates a deep transmission of personal connection and allows you access your most authentic self.

Raise Your Vibration

This work will change your ability to receive and exchange wisdom with an unseen world. We are all feeling the effects of the vibrational plane of reality all of the time. Entering this container is like engaging in an energetic practice that literally enlightens the body, soul, heart and mind.

Weekly Ceremony

Our weekly sessions will be held as a Ritual. We will c0-create an online temple space where we can attune, drop-in, and discuss the themes and share about what is coming up for you on your personal journey each week.