Vocal Empowerment Workshop Series

We begin on the Lunar New Year.

February 11th at 8 pm CST

Sisters, thank you for your interest in my
Vocal Empowerment Workshop Series.

I specifically designed this 4-week Workshop Series for those of you who have been wanting to unlock the mysterious power and potency of your voice, go deep into sacred space together, and work with embodiment practices in devotion to your own empowerment in a sacred container of other women.


What People Are Saying

Please witness this powerful share from a beautiful Goddess, at the end of my Connect + Clear Full Moon Ritual on January 28th.

Thank you, I feel like I came home to places I didn’t know I missed. And I can’t go back. And I don’t want to!
This is so necessary!

Diahnna Nicole Baxter
Transformational Life Coach
Founder of Trauma to Transformation


Each session is an energetic attunement and a chance to rewire your nervous system.

The workshop space is a virtual temple where we come together and heal, learn techniques for attuning and clearing our energy, releasing the stored energy of past traumas in the body, (from this or other lifetimes) so that we can create more space within ourselves in order to show up more fully in the world.


And it gets to be EASY

This work is potent and deep and yet doesn't take a big commitment. Just coming to each workshop or even listening to the recording is going to allow you to feel so FULL. 

There won't be much homework, and there isn't a group to join. (Though I will have a WhatsApp thread for those interested so you can text and connect throughout the weeks) It's being in the circle that will allow the transformation. The classes are rituals and transmissions that center around the energetic embodiment practices and teachings I use with my 1:1 clients.


So, What will we be doing together?


Wk 1: Release

Dive in the deep end and clear out our energetic blockages through a Shamanic Soul Song Activation and awaken the primal + wild voice.


Wk 3: Intend + Heal

What does it mean to be a transmission? Embody our intentions for healing through our voices and expression in the Etheric Wings Workshop.

Wk 2: Remember

Discover the Koshas, the subtle body, and how we can clear trauma through our lineage. Honor the inner temple by toning through the chakras.


Wk 4: Listen + Become

Attune our energy and offer song that creates a space for healing. How do we serve and be a blessing for another? Song circle offering shares are welcomed but not required.

There will also be time for Q&A at the end of each session
as an opportunity to receive 1:1 support throughout the container.

We will be working with questions like: Where have you outsourced your power?

I find so often with my clients, that beautiful, wise, and sovereign women have been so conditioned to constantly give out their energy to everyone.
We are constantly giving our power away and playing small instead of receiving from life the full magnificence, beauty, and radiance of who we really are. But we get to reclaim this now.


Choose Your Level of Depth For The Journey



Access to the 4-Week Workshop Series

  • Recordings of all of the practices

  • A group of soul sisters to help you embody your voice

  • Q&A Laser Coaching at the end of each call

  • One 15 min private integration call to help you take your next steps.



ALL of Level One + 1:1 Mentorship with me!

  • 1hr private healing session with me - that will assist you in your spiritual journey and allow you to fully integrate and implement all that we learn together in this container.

  • Additional 30 min attunement and check-in, through March — so that is 6+ weeks of support including the Workshop Series.


Do you need a payment plan? Well, I got you!

The payment plan option starts at just $170 for the Level One Workshop Series.

And at $270 for Level Two including the 1:1 Mentorship over 3 months!


All of you is welcome here.

Your voice and expression doesn’t have to be pretty. It doesn’t have to fit in. Sometimes the most sacred thing you can be is a loving disruptor. A dissonant energy that evokes and awakens. Your wrathful goddess is welcome just as much as your compassionate one. Your fierceness, your remembrance, your sacred YES + NO is all apart of you claiming yourself fully as the gorgeous, multi-faceted being you are.


You are the temple.

Love is the ultimate healing balm. Love heals all. It is attuning to LOVE that is greater than yourself, and allowing that transmission of Love to move through you that allows you to become a conduit and healing for others. Let’s learn how together…

Singing one's soul song allows our deepest, true voice to be heard, not so much by the community, but by ourselves! When we finally hear our full and deepest voice, we find a kind of compass that points back to our real personhood. Knowing the way 'home' to ourselves encourages and emboldens ourselves to be more of our truer self as we continue to find our way.

— Steve Serr, Ph.D. founder of Shamanism 101